The Intelligent Day School (IDS) is a curatorial-artistic educational project that discusses current issues of the humanities within various social groups. The project understands „humanities“ as an extended canon of the academic disciplines where the boundaries to expanded into the natural sciences (ecology, medicine, anthropology, zoology). The aim of the project is that participants and the faculty gain knowledge and experience in equal measure and that this knoweldge is explicitly implemented into society. This goes in hand with a discussion about its possibilities and limits. The discussion of how knowledge from an artistic-humanistic educational circle can be transferred to the public is a central concern and a unique selling point of the IDS.
Faculty Board: Susanne Neubauer, Dr. phil. (founder, concept), lic. phil. Bettina Meier-Bickel, lic. phil. (communication), Charlotte Cullinan, Prof. Fine Art MFA, Kingston University London (core faculty), Carla Guagliardi, Künstlerin, former tutor Parque Lage Escola de Artes Visuais Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro / Berlin (core faculty), Jeanine Richards, School Director Research & Enterprise, Kingston University London (core faculty)
Advisory Board (by June 2019)):
Sabeth Buchmann, Univ.-Prof. Dr. , Institut für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften Kunstgeschichte der Moderne und Nachmoderne, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien
Liam Gillick, Künstler, New York
Marcelo Mari, Prof. Dr., Instituto de Artes Visuais, Universidade de Brasília
Camillo Osorio, Prof. Dr., Departamento de Filosofía, Pontifícia Universidade Católica, Rio de Janeiro
For information contact